How do I know I’m getting the best price for my stamps?

Mystic has a proven history of paying more for postage stamps.  Our advertisements in Linn’s Stamp News, the “world’s largest weekly stamp news marketplace,” have long featured the letters sent to us by real stamp collectors and professional dealers who’ve benefited from Mystic’s honest approach to buying.  You’ll also find testimonials from collectors and dealers who’ve sold their stamps to Mystic on this website.

Mystic has been in the business of buying and selling stamps since 1923.  Over those years, we’ve established a reputation for honesty and professionalism that money can’t buy.  You can trust Mystic to pay you what your stamps are really worth – at today’s high market prices – even if you’re unsure of their value.  That’s why we say, “Mystic pays more for your stamps.”

Don Sundman with Mystic colleagues. Our staff of 150 colleagues fulfills the stamp needs of thousands of collector-friends.
Learn More About Mystic’s History

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